May 16, 2012

"What's on Your Mind?" FaceBook Asks...

These thoughts have no words.
These ideas have no tangent.
This mind is lost.
This mind will be found.

Thinking is abstract.
Thoughts are incredible.
This time, we'll lose.
This time, we'll also win.

Through the balance comes balance.
Through the balance comes a tilt.
Through the loops comes air.
Through the winds come change.

This future that I speak of,
This danger around the corner,
This mind cannot comprehend.
This mind can only experience.

These are the woes.
These are the wins.
This is a problem.
That is the one.

There are multiple paths.
There are roads to an end.
There are roads to a victory.
That is the path I shall take.

These are the thoughts.
This is the mind.
There is the heart.
Those are the lights.

Through this path, I'll suffer.
Through this path, I'll battle.
Through this path, I'll suffer.
Through this path, I'll win.

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